There seems to have been a few blogs bouncing around in my feeds of late. These include Deb Hicks ' 'Why Blog', Tom Whitby's 'Why Blogs and Who Needs Them Anyway' and Peter DeWitt's 'The Benefits of Blogging'. I t kind of occurred to me that I hadn't really ever stated, nor really thought about, why I have chosen to blog. I have therefore decided to have a go at providing some of my reasons: Scratching an itch . Often while reading, there are things that stick out, that prop the ears, the spike the imagination, that remain like an itch. A blog is a way of responding to these things, somehow alleviating the irritation. Being connected . I love being connected, following various threads of thought, commenting, tweeting and reaching out to others, but sometimes a responding needs to be something more substantial. A blog is one avenue that allows this. Critical engagement . I read on the wall in a coordinators office the other day the st...
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